POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Global Governance, Collective Action, Intergovernmentalism

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14 Jan 2015

Document Summary

Why global governance is so appealing: global governance and the international system. We are living an anarchic international system. The international relations are all about power. My gain is your lost; no cooperation. Super power imposes influence to the world. 2) league of nations and collective security. -- a response to realism. Emerges in wwi, the core was that collective security, all states would agree that aggressive actions by other states is illegal. All states should agree, that if one state behaves aggressively on another state, all states will punish that state together. Neoliberal institutionalism theory also states an anarchic international system. Although benefits are not distributed equally but overall all countries can benefit from cooperation. By co-operating, states can create rules that apply to norms. Rules: eu: conditions posed: un system of states: 1) to maintain international peace and security and to that end to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace.

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