POL101Y1 Lecture Notes - Cuban Missile Crisis, Nikita Khrushchev, Payment

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Reading: don munton and david a. welch, the cuban missile crisis - a concise. End of wii division of europe: hungary 1956 1953 stalin dies other countries within soviet block seek independence & est. independence; yugoslavia not part of soviet union, hungary wants to leave s. u. > kick out leader and put in refined communist leader fall 1956 november soviets strike back: send in tanks, arrest rakifshi . Hungarian revl"n: division of germany east (communist) west (liberal democratic) west berlin . Summer 1961 east germans losing people thus building of berlin wall to prevent east germans from leaving: berlin wall 2 walls, 12 ft high, landmines, attack dogs, serious border, freidrichstrade (checkpoint charlie); dreilinden (checkpoint bravo) Cold war: from confrontation to stalemate: nuclear weapons. Nuclear capacity: us: total number of nuclear missiles built, 1951- present: 67 500. # of nuclear bombers built, 1945- present: 4, 680 peak # of nuclear warheads and bombs in the stockpile/year, 32, 193 (1966)

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