POL101Y1 Lecture : Industrial Revolution

38 views2 pages
16 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Luxuries came to be seen as necessities and necessities came to be seen as decencies. Social results: began as a society of scarcity to a society of surplus. Increasing complexity of division of labour i. e. spiritual/religious healers are no longer the norm as they were before: new forms of social consciousness, we live in a society of achievement, not based on status. Material basis of all reality is the basic unit of analysis. Injustice; you must go to the material causes. What makes us human is that we create the substance we depend on; we ensure our survival by constantly changing the environment around us. Hegel: consciousness creates society: marx disagrees: conscious does not create being, being creates consciousness . Materialist conception of history; agrees with hegel that history is a beginning, middle and an end. Disagrees with rise of ideas as the driving factor, material interest is the key factor.

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