POL101Y1 Lecture 20: Lecture 20 Mar 4 08 Democracy Poverty Development

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Lecture #20 mar 4, 08
SLIDE #1: Democracy, Poverty, Development
- India as the case that defies all predictions
- No revolution
- British colonial heritage?
- Multicultural
- Social democracy (kerala)
- From state-led to market-led development
- India vs. China
- India defies all predictions, it had been a democracy since the end of colonialism
- however it is not a perfect democracy, has free and fair election
- it never had a revolution
- british colonial heritage, a unique set of institutions: parliamentary democracy, common law (political
evolution) radical changes are gradual, it inclines moderation
- hard for poor country to be democratic, ethnic group, religious differences: difficulty redistribution of
- constitution to political diversity
- social democracy, sustain public health care (kerala)
- Kerala was ruled by the communist party
- India used to be in the great game of geopolitical
- state-owned economy, global trading order
- both countries (India and China) are experiencing huge inequalities, the rich get richer and the poor
stay poor
- state driven model towards the global economy
SLIDE #2: Politics and Groups
- Natural or social constructions?
- Primordialism: based on family metaphor
- But not realistic for anything but a very small group
- There has always been groups, primary units, family
- identity based on kin group can be a small cluster of ppl
- all groups are based on stories of common descent
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Document Summary

India as the case that defies all predictions. India defies all predictions, it had been a democracy since the end of colonialism. However it is not a perfect democracy, has free and fair election. British colonial heritage, a unique set of institutions: parliamentary democracy, common law (political evolution) radical changes are gradual, it inclines moderation. Hard for poor country to be democratic, ethnic group, religious differences: difficulty redistribution of wealth. Social democracy, sustain public health care (kerala) Kerala was ruled by the communist party. India used to be in the great game of geopolitical. Both countries (india and china) are experiencing huge inequalities, the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. State driven model towards the global economy. But not realistic for anything but a very small group. There has always been groups, primary units, family. Identity based on kin group can be a small cluster of ppl. All groups are based on stories of common descent www. notesolution. com.

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