POL200Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Liberal Democracy, Teleology, Eudaimonia

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27 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Teleological doctrine: teleology mode of scientific understand in which things have specific end or aims as part of some system. Understood humans to have telos the flourishing condition of soul (in areas of character and intellect) Political thinkers have to understand what makes the human life good if they are to adequately discuss best political actions. A life principle that animates us to move ourselves, to initiate motion within in ourselves, principle of growth and decay. Argument from ethics: human beings live well is and only if their political cultures help them to develop and exercise certain excellences of their character and intellect self-actualization. Justice, self control, generosity, and courage (practical intellect/wisdom/rationality) Enables to live into account as a whole and make judgments and decisions: theoretical intellect: part set over scientific and political understanding. Good human life based on the framework he believes serves as the function of ethical functioning.

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