POL200Y1 Lecture 3: Week 3

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Discusses leaders who ruled over their groups did so because they were chosen to do so. Moses was considered better than other rulers because he had authority directly from god to guide his people out egypt he was a prophet rather than a price. Moses doesn"t belong in this chapter because he governs by divine grace: machiavelli says so himself that moses doesn"t even belong in this chapter. He addresses this issue by saying that each of those leaders had great teachers such as moses did. If any of the other three did it without instructions from god then moses too was able to do it without instructions from god. Romulus, theseus, and cyrus were all decedents from gods. True prophets are those which are armed prophets and false prophets are those which are unarmed prophets: the prophets who not believe in god will succeed. When one no longer believes, then one can make them believe (obey) by force.

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