POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Portuguese Armed Forces, Proxy War, Longwave

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20 Mar 2013

Document Summary

Wave: a group of transitions from non-democratic to democratic regimes that occur within a specific period of time. According to huntington, there have been three waves. The first wave was a long wave, lasting from 17th to 19th century. Long social and economic processes that often culminated in revolution (britain, france). In the first wave, the cause of democracy was simply modernization. The wave ends as countries regressed; as some countries move back from democracy to non-democracy. Decolonization many countries that gained independent after wwii became democratic. The third wave began in april 1974, when the portuguese dictatorship was overthrown by a coup. Portugal had never been a democracy before, it was always associated with fascism and franco"s spain. The portuguese armed forces movement was split amongst conservatives, and moderates. The triumph of democracy in portugal was a surprise and it was the beginning of a long wave of democratization that lasts to this day.

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