POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Infant Mortality
Document Summary
Paradigms we use to classify the entire world. Subsistent agricultural type of culture to speicaliztion, exchange and the market. In which most people consume things made by others. Development refers to the process which production becomes more complex and by extension more efficient. In general people consider development to be a good thing. Because countries of higher level of develpometn tend to be wealtheri. The individual share of the gross national product. Countries with higher gnps are more developed than others. Critics of development; paradigm of development: as societies develop people lose their traditional customs, cultures which may have been tired to the agriculture or land is lost. As de elopement increases some aspects of culture and tradition may be lost: it seems to presume that all countries in the world will follow the western pathway of devfelopment. Then the presumption is that some countries appear to have failed.