POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Colonial Nigeria, List Of Counties In Colorado, Indirect Rule

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16 Nov 2013

Document Summary

Factory employment production of surplus economic specialization. Union organization political organization demands for universal suffrage (democ) 64 counties of the world are former colonies. Differences in contemporaries per capita income based on starting. How far they had to travel and how much they"ve had to overcome. Boundaries of present-day africa are boundaries are based on colonial boundaries. They were not based on any prior communities. Correlation between former colonial status and present poverty: the political system. Ruled by yoruba kingdoms; shared, indirect, personal rule. Not centralized so kingdom doesn"t have much extractive capacity. It is easy for colonial power to penetrate. Was able to engender economic activity and offer resistance to colonial rule. Colonialism is going to have different effects with lasting implications. Regional divisions in the independent state: the slave trade. West africa was involved in slave trade from 16th century onward. Loss of the most productive segment of the population. Large parts of africa are still under populated.

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