POL201Y1 Lecture : Modernization

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N decolonization: there were a lot of independent, most countries were independent in 1963, new domestic politics sprouted when colonized countries became independent, academic literature is being produced in the global south. N economic growth: exponentially increased after wwii. N the passing of traditional society to modern society: underdeveloped societies are traditional while developed societies are modern. Isolation subsistence society, not participants in market economy: rigid adherence to mobility, no social mobility you cant upgrade your class in society. N a traditional person cannot imagine other situations outside their own (lack of empathy) N traditional values must be replaced if modernization is to take place. N the desire to accumulate wealth or to be someone greater than yourself (this is a modern trait: empathy psychic mobility, he is imagining a better position) N traits of modernity/modernization: population growth, mobility, urbanization, access to media, individuals can interpret the information they receive, the rise of political participation.

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