POL201Y1 Lecture 5: POL203 Lecture 05.docx

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26 Mar 2014

Document Summary

Rights in general tends to refer to ways in which governments must act. Often refer to the ways in which governments must frame their laws. Ways governments must act, deals with meaning of equally under law. Courts are not often best defenders of civil liberties and rights. There is some good reason to think that courts are superior in some way. Skeptical about the ability of courts to defend rights. Politics as a whole was in many ways the most important source of civil rights. Advance of civil rights is not solely in the jurisdiction of courts. Understandable why people think of courts with regards to rights and liberties. There are standards of right and wrong that exist independent of written or constitutional law. Everyone accepts that there are standards that exist besides the law. Which claims there is no necessary connection between law and morality. Natural proponents of natural right have no legal basis for argument.

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