POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Modernization Theory, Ethnolinguistics, Dependency Theory

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18 Sep 2014

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The argument: the more ethnic groups with diverse linguistics, the more political instability and less development. The argument: climate has also been another possible theory to explain poverty (distance from equator, the closer you"re at the equator, the more likely you"re unsusceptible to the diseases) The division of the world has already been claimed and has gained independence. Lenin argues that imperialism represents a special state of capitalism that is known as monopoly capitalism. He says the aim of colonialism is not only to extract resources, but also to control the extraction of resources. They don"t want to compete against other colonies. Modernization theory uses tradition as both an expression and a cause of underdevelopment. The problem: there is no independent standard to assess modernity. Humans change their minds often and have conflicting sets of beliefs. Countries that modernized first are driven by endogenous causes (happening within the country)

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