POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Human Zoo, Miscegenation, Institutionalized Discrimination
Document Summary
February 14 race, ethnicity & gender in democracy. Eugenics 1) races exist and they are different 2) some are superior and inferior than others 3) A project of the human race involving breeding out the inferior races. Eugenicists spent a lot of time measuring body parts, so that people could be classified by distinct biological identities. World fairs exhibited human zoos, where primitive people were brought to the fair and placed in recreated environments. They were meant to educated europeans on the different types of humans. By the end of wwii, eugenics was finished. But it had it"s high point during nazi germany. Because of the holocaust and the experiments done during that period, eugenics because delegitimized. Scientists found that there is . 01% genetic variations within the human population, and this difference can be found within racial groups. Only 8% is found within the various continents. Populations that are historically isolated, then you may find genetic similarities within that population.