POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Direct Democracy, Robert A. Dahl

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30 Mar 2011

Document Summary

Freedom house is an organization that assigns ratings to countries around the world based on how democratic they are. Many of such organizations measure democracy in correlation with freedom. countries can be more or less democratic, and the most democratic countries are those in which there are the highest levels of freedom. on the other hand, if indicator of democracy is election, then democracy is dichotomous variable: either democratic or nondemocratic (either have election or don"t have it) depending on what correlates democracy, democracy can be seen as continuous categories (that you can have more or less on), or see it as dichotomous variable. growth of democracy is legitimate: created proliferation meaning of democracy (word means different thing to different people in different parts of the world). There is a real confusion over what demoracy is, what its defined characteristics are, how we can tell whether a country is really democratic or not.

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