POL201Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Enclosure, Open Field System, Threshing Machine
Document Summary
The making of economic society and the industrial revolution sep 18 th. The transformation from a feudal economy to a market economy took a long time -15th to 19th century. The beginnings of the market economy in 1500 are marked by growth in gdp/capita from 1500-1900, with 1950+ really taking off. You did what your father did, what your ancestors did. The trade guilds were to ensure that goods were produced in the exact same way over and over again, so that nobody had an advantage over the others. Bureaucrats decide how much is produced and where it will go. (ex. Bureaucrats made decisions about production and distribution in five year cycles, and the plan determined the scope, distribution and consumption within 5 years. Up until the 19th century, production and distribution was organized primarily by tradition and command. Your social and political relations determined how things were organized economically.