POL203Y1 Lecture Notes - United States, American Political Development, Unitary State

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6 Jan 2013

Document Summary

Polls (must represent composition of ppl who will actually go out and vote) Structure of electoral college causes conflicts of interest between government and interest groups. Use uselectiondata. org/results for further information on election history and patterns. The origin of the american constitution (slide with 3 bubbles arrowed towards one) Emerged out of a competing sense of values. Failure of the articles of confederation led to the liberal moments. Nobody gets their way in constitution setting. The constitution created a national government with much greater power, but at the same time, laboured under considerable constraints. The constitution: policy process (look at slide for overview of 3 below terms: congress, presidency, the judiciary. To create a law, you require the agreement of the senate, congress, and president. Constitution allows for democratic and non-democratic ways to pass law. In some cases, democratic ways have flawed ways of representing the people. Differences in terms of membership in the congress and state.

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