POL203Y1 Lecture : POL203 Lecture 02.docx

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30 Sep 2013

Document Summary

All governments should be close to the people. The role of government should expand and change. Rights and responsibilities should be based on certain cultural characteristics. I wasn"t going to buy another car that was bailed out by our government. I was going to buy from a manufacturer that"s standing on their own: win, lose, or draw. That"s what america is about is taking the chance to succeed and understanding when you fail that you gotta" pick yourself up and go back to work. Ford is playing on certain traditions within american political life. Notion that government should work closely to maintain large financial institutions. Can"t be understood as a simply left wing or right wing idea. We can see the constitution of 1787 as an early success of american liberalism. It is the single most important factor in understanding american politics as a whole. Want to understand the recurring pattern of american politics.

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