POL203Y1 Lecture : POL203 Lecture 03.docx

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30 Sep 2013

Document Summary

Federalist paper # 68 and the gop presidential primary race. Think about this in terms of the spectacle of the primary race. Crisis that occurred at 2 different levels: excessive power at the state level. Aspect of american constitutionalism that has been most enduring. System designed to have different relations with public. Originally, for a very long time was elected by state legislatures. Important to note because it reveals changing dynamic of american. American feudalism is closely connected to a series of critical junctures that occurred during the course of american political history. Balance of power and national government all relate. Analyze some sources that consider how it developed in its earlier stages. Can"t understand contemporary debate of federalism without understanding past. New deal radically changes many aspects of american politics. Part of the problem/confusing is neither republics or democrats understand the full scope of what changed, especially the transformation associated with the.

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