POL207Y1 Lecture : October 6 Notes

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14 Dec 2010

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If you were going to decentralize power, you have to change the electoral system, everything would unravel. France: the triumph of presidential power, the 4th republic was divided and unstable, govts lasting months, changed to highly centralized and stable system, centralized in presidential power. French constitutional design: created in his image (de gaulle, institutions created in the 1958-62 period consolidated by the time of de gaulle"s 1969 resignation, all of this happened bc of may 1958. 15th may made famous attack on the divisions created by political parties who sought parochial interests. Regime of parties : he held himself responsible to assume powers of the republic, no legal or constitutional basis, his prestige and bc he seemed to be taking the side of the emerging rebellion in algiers. www. notesolution. com. military, accepting an implicit injunction on the part of de gaulle in his declaration, abandoned resurrection thus avoiding civil war.

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