POL208Y1 Lecture : POL208.SEPT28.docx

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11 Jun 2013

Document Summary

Politicians are afraid of theorists, consider them too abstract, and not political enough or practical enough, the question tend to ask is what should i do now , politicians tend to reason more like historians than political scientists, Politicians see analogies in the past, but not future prepositions, they do sometimes make their way of decision makers. Nato was about expanding power of the west, by doing so , russia felt more isolated than it used to be, nato expansion viewed as a threat for russian the gain of one is the lost of another. Nato about enlarging the scope of democratic countries, bring democracy an stability to europe, russia has everything to gain win-win scenario 2 different view. What matter the most is the perception of one specific actors. In order to enforce these principles you need power, you need capabilities, the first round of grand debate the realists won because the war occurred.

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