POL208Y1 Lecture Notes - Wagah, United Nations General Assembly, Defenestration
Document Summary
Example of international organization based on national membership. A group of somalis attacked kenyan upscale mall. A lot of times somalia is referred to as a failed state. Event that happens when states collapse, below level of state. Division that has implications for the ways in which we view the world. Taken the world and divided into clear territorial states. The political structure of europe is quite complex. After decline of roman empire, period of mess. Holy roman empire; emperor claims to be holy. A lot of local leaders and kings and principalities and actors in europe. Nobody has soul authority over piece of land. But nominally live under umbrella of holy roman empire. Emperor can claim right to intervene in certain issues. Holy roman empire was political rep of the pope. Not just from military or economic power but authority comes from pope; god. Pope, emperor, local city, just a political mess.