POL208Y1 Lecture : Realism

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Realism-->goal is to simplify the complexity of the world itself. They manner in which the cold war ended was a surprising and unlikely scenario. 1950"s the united states began using statistics and math to create data to explain how the soviet problem, this did not turn in many discoveries. 1: by expanding power from the rest, russia becomes more isolated, this is a problem for. 2: enlarging the family of democracy 839 about power, 98 about stabilizing democracy. Russia should have everything to gain from this. Realism--> they all look at the world with similar lenses. Greek examples, modern history in europe and the italian states of the 19th and 20th centuries. Realism is the experience of statism through the century. It really started after the failure of the league of nations after world war one. After ww1 states were created in europe and were given soveignty, ww1 destroyed europe and this was the reason for the league of nations.

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