POL208Y1 Lecture 9: Lecture 9
Document Summary
us wanted to show that they had indeed won the cold war. end of cold war was a divine surprise. key element of cold war was peace; no shots fired for the most part. professionalization of the army for the most part. few states still rely on conscription: the tension in some eastern countries began to rise dramatically following the cold war. Intervention, even under the nato flag in countries like sierra leonne and the congo were linked to humanitarian concerns; not western interests. Yes and no: civil wars in former yugoslavia. as early as 1991, the relationship between serbia, croatia, slovenia and bosnia began to crumble. I t was a shock to everyone that 2 hours away from berlin or paris, actual fighting took place. resurgence of war came as a shock. european powers largely disagreed on what to do. disagreed because they had different stakes in the region.