POL214Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Human Security, Canadian Americans, Visible Minority
Document Summary
Socioeconomic settings: a system approach to politics, three fault lines, material well-being, equality, quality of life. Page 5 of our textbook some homie was quoted. Inputs impact of outputs imputs: demands ------> 1) allocative, support ------> a) policy making and policy application. It"s a model: completely ahistorical, boundaries are really fuzzy. Three enduring fault lines: french-canadian divide, stated in 1759 - with language rights, english and french fight, french are concerned with the protection of their culture. In 1970 - the issue was quebec separation: canadian- american relationships, goes back to 1770s and 80s, people who wanted to remain loyal to the british crown went north, us tried to capture canada. Some new fault lines: gender, aboriginal rights, environmental, cultural diversity (multiculturalism, visible minorities vs what is a visible minority. Older fault lines that are fading: protestant vs catholic, urban vs rural, farmers were a powerful force, united farmers of ontario.