POL214Y1 Lecture : Political Parties and Voting Behaviour

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2 Dec 2010

Document Summary

Canadian politics: week 11 j november 30th, 2010. Political parties and voting behaviour: potential effects of polls. Polls influence voting behaviour, have changed the whole thrust of campaigning. Leaders used to find out about what was going on in their ridings through their mps. Get a lot of attention in elections. Polls help undecided people decide on candidates, help people to vote strategically. S claimed that law goes overboard as limits freedom of the press, prohibits publication in the last few days before the election, why should people be kept from seeing this data. Law was incomplete as did not stipulate that those who publish polls have to disclose where they got their data from. S supreme court ruled that you can publish polls up until the election but have to include the methodology (e. g. how many people surveyed, phrasing of the question) when publishing polls.

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