POL214Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Small-C, Parliamentary Sovereignty, Constitution Of The United Kingdom

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Constitution of can. is the supreme law of canada. Meaning of constitution changes by context. But one common issue is about who will rule, who is in charge, who has power. Because a const. has individual rights, this guarantees that these rights will be protected. They breathe life into the words of the constitutions. We have to think about the const. as a living tree. As a continuous living creation and societies change. In today"s time, women should have the right to be in senate (even though it all writes. he in the actual written document), but not to be taken literally. 1867 const. is quite dull. Nothing inspirational about it. Wasn"t born out of a product of a war/revolution etc. It"s something that came to can. b/c they asked b. for it. This const. confirmed can. link to queen being the head of states (the b passed it) Judicial committee of the p. council (jcpc)

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