POL214Y1 Lecture : lecture notes
Document Summary
Canadian politics january 25th 2011: conservatism, liberalism, socialism (contemporary) 2. what is political culture: 4 generic approaches to studying political culture, 4 pathways to studying canadian political culture, what do we mean by terms like liberalism, socialism, Contemporary conservatism is almost the antiphasis of classical liberalism. Classical conservatives the govt should control economic goals but should not be harnassed to achieve them, contemporary conservatives stress authority, hierarchy same as classical liberalism. The believe in the minimal regulation. dont believe in affirmative action, individuals as responsible for their own lives, like classical liberalism. Small weak govt minimal taxes want to maximize individual choice. Most comp. conservtives believe that the state should not be morally neutral. Most in favour of traditional family vauesetc, uncomfortable with rampant druggies and gay marriage etc. Contemporary liberalism now seeks to balance indivudal freedom, More group focused than classical liberalism or cont. conservatism.