POL214Y1 Lecture 9: Lecture 9 – November 16th 2010.docx

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Lecture 9 november 16th, 2010 charter of rights and freedoms. Influenced more by classical conservative (tory values) ideas than the us. College coordinator who was gay and got fired after coming out of the closest. Supreme court said alberta human rights commission discriminated. Defendant asked for a stay for unreasonable delay. Negative liberties positive rights: gosselin v. quebec (2002) 31 and up you don"t get your welfare cut. Majority believed that by compelling the gov"t, they would have to the government pay the whole amount. Seaboyer (1991) if a woman was accusing someone of rape, can"t question sexual history of woman. Daviault (1994) extreme drunkness was accepted as plea for rape. Janzen (1989) recognized sexual harassment as sexual discrimination. Butler (1992) degrading and humanizing pornography affect equality of women. Right wing = does not like the fact that the courts are making decision.

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