POL214Y1 Lecture : Social and economic setting

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27 Mar 2011

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Quebec: outer canada eastern and western canada. Western canada is heavily dependent on natural resources. They are subjected to booms and busts in their economy: arises more in the late 19th and early 20th century. It is when western canada starts to become populated: atlantic canada was once upon a time english canada. www. notesolution. com. Yasmin alabed, january 11, 2011 2: some fault lines are no longer as relevant like the catholic/protestant divide, rural urban cleavage. It is a mental construct; there is nothing hard or real about this. a: there are other problems with this diagram: all these boundaries are quite fussy. It cannot explain dynamic change: canadians are limited by international treaties and demands, and the pressure of competitive markets, examples, demands and supports. crf and human rights codes: material well-being, un human development index www. notesolution. com. Yasmin alabed, january 11, 2011 3: chapter 3 pg. Influences the politics of the nations and regions within nations: equality.

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