POL301Y1 Lecture Notes - African Nationalism, Radcliffe Line, Kwame Nkrumah
Document Summary
Assignments- 3 weeks from now, assignment draw countries and capital cities on the map, 5%, grade below 70 chance to retake quiz. Nigeria capital moved to abuja, few african countries with capitals in centre, true in kenya due to colonial settlement rather than being on the coast. Independence and the new generation of african states- 1945 no one imagined that colonial system, was going to end, not redy for independence. By 1965 most countries in the continant are independent. Summary of lecture-implication of decolonization- european powers chose to leave and handed over power. Becoming politically mobilized in order to prove independence. Role of external and internal factors in shaping independence in africa. Question of contunity and change, how much remains very much the same as transition to independence. Role of international factors moving towards independence- 1950s-1960s. The wave of independence- arrived at 1950s and 1960s.