POL301Y1 Lecture Notes - Denkyira, Golden Stool, The Adverts

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It was not an empire yet, it was several small communities in the 13th-15th century. The dominant power was denkyira, it drew tribute from the others, but it remained a fragmented state. Europeans started to come from the coast, and began trading with locals. So the skattered communities started to get bigger from those trades and allow them to grow in power in relation to their neighbors. A strong community emerged to take control. The empire does not function as centralized as european empires. The center is strong, but as you go further out, power lacks. In the 19th century, brought growing conflict with the british over control of trade routes, with repeated minor wars. Coast colony of the british: econoimically, they pushed further the production of cocoa, and the export of gold. In comparison to a european map of the same time, there are important borders. African states are not centralized, borders are not exclusive.

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