POL373H1 Lecture Notes - Pathos, Stoicism, The Emotions

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9 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Intro broad themes and arguments. 3 implications for persuasion (3 types of speech: forensic/judicial. Audience is the judge. Wedding speech, awarding or being awarded) involves understanding about the honourable. 3 means of persuasion: logic (logos) People rely on rational construction: ethos (character) Persuading the people that he is trustworthy even if there is o logic to what he is presenting: pathos (emotion) Persuading through emotions that are favorable to the cause. Acknowledge the concern and say that you can change it (obama example) Emotion is n important aspect in shaping good people/ good character. In the courtroom, he is criticizing those who seek to sway the jury based on emotions. They should stick to logical questions (its all about the facts) But this is the bad use of emotions. There is a good and bad way of using emotions. Such as people making emotional appeals that have nothing to do with the matter at hand.

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