POL373H1 Lecture 5: Lecture 5-6

84 views6 pages
12 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Lec04 oct. 05 (aristotle and stoics: introduction. I i. aristotle on emotion (in the light of plato) Aristotle takes into the context in understanding what emotions are. Categorized emotions (dichotomy between positive/negative emotions) and how we value each category of emotions. what they consider to be the most important key factors of emotions and how they define emotions. We want to see how the emotions play their roles in our social, political life. both had similar approaches in terms of dividing the souls from the body (the rational and the a-rational)1. what they provide for us is to argue that these sorts of actions and behaviors have their source within ourselves. So you"re responsible for your emotions and characters, but it is not always possible to take control of them. 3 parts of soul in terms of orientations. (spirit, desire,) each of these parts in plato have both rational and emotional parts in this sense.

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