POL242Y1 Lecture : All of September`s lecture notes

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15 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Www. notesolution. com: nomothetic to explain social variations through the identification of social patterns. = law (the law like or regular patterns of things that people do in everyday life) in greek: we describe these regularities by working with concepts. A variable = an empirically observable characteristic or some phenomena that can take on more than one value (pg. So for a concept to be useful it has to take on different states or values or characteristics otherwise we just have a constant. Without variation, a characteristic cannot be used to make comparisons. The values making up the characteristics of variables are called attributes. An attribute is a specific value on a variable. The indicator of a variable is the question are you blablabla : social status can be a variable. Its attributes can be low status, middle or upper class. And an indicator could be asking someone are you low, middle or upper class: religiosity is a variable.