PSL300H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 28: Golgi Tendon Organ, Stretch Reflex, Afferent Nerve Fiber

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23 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Central nervous system = gray matter + white matter: white matter = regions containing axonal tracts, gray matter = regions containing the neuronal bodies. Dorsal horn = receives sensory input (afferent) Ventral zone = contains motoneurons that send. Intermediate zone = integrates sensory input motor commands to the muscle (efferent) There is a hierarchical level of organization of how different groups of neurons (nuclei) control motor movement. Simple reflexes: sensory neurons make synapses with spinal cord motoneurons to mediate simple reflexes: this is the simplest form of motor control (walking, breathing) Central pattern generators (cpgs): networks of interneurons in the spinal cord and brainstem coordinate the interaction of many different motor groups (locomotion, respiration) Complex/volitional movement: motor output that is planned and refined by the motor cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum (planned, voluntary movements) Bending back" of a sensory stimulus within the cns to produce a motor response. Perform a specific task often a feedback loop regulating force, position, etc.

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