PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Longcase Clock, Psychological Science, Wilhelm Wundt

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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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The history of psychology (lecture #2, september 15th 2011) Science has always been contextualized in a larger set of processes. e. g. theological/ religious barriers impeded the progress of physiological sciences. Therefore: the direct study of the human body was forbidden, doctrines regarding human exemptionalism (impossible to learn about human functioning through animal studies). Post enlightment the rise of the supposed rational, self-interested human; deep divide between cognition and emotion; emphasis on the individual as the unit of analysis. Post biological revolution and neuroscience the remerging of cognition and emotion; emphasis on interdependence between the individual group. Descartes was described as an extremely intense, unbalanced, driven personality. He viewed the human body as a machine controlled by hydraulics (fluids) and mechanics (levers). As well as the fact that human and animal bodies were highly complicated machines. It was later found out that the mind cannot be a machine and that the body (brain)

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