PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Unconditional Positive Regard, Walter Mischel, Hans Eysenck
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Personality: the characteristic thoughts, emotional responses, and behaviours that are relatively stable in an individual over time and across circumstances. Powerful social environments mask differences in personality. E. g. , job interviews, funerals, hanging out with your boss. Allow people to behave more freely; easier to discern personality differences. E. g. , at home, at a bar, hanging out with friends. Trait approaches (most common approach these days) Emphasizes the influence of unconscious forces on behaviour. Superego: can be considered as the opposite of id, rigid and moral based entity that drives your behaviour. Ego: ourselves, trying to choose which of the two to follow ( id; devil on your shoulder, superego, angel on your shoulder) These two battle and from that, anxiety comes out. Defence mechanisms: unconscious mental strategies the mind uses to protect itself. Note that freud"s theories are not used that much anymore as they were not testable.