PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Sensory Memory, Working Memory, Procedural Memory

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PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
PSY100H1 Full Course Notes
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Searching for one feature is fast and automatic. Searching for two or more features is slow and effortful: models of memory. Information is acquired and processed into a neural code that the brain can use. Recalling or remembering the stored information when we need it: sensory memory. Memory only lasts for an extremely brief time. Typically not consciously aware of it: short term/immediate memory. Remains for seconds unless actively thinking about it: chunking. Organizing information into meaningful units to make it easier to remember: working memory. Structures and processes used to temporarily store and manipulate information. Episodic buffer: integrates info & links to ltm. Central executive: control centre, directs attention to relevant info: long term memory. Elaborative rehearsal gets info to ltm: ltm systems, explicit memory. Processes involved when people remember specific information (conscious) Semantic memory: knowledge about the world: implicit memory. Priming: identifying or processing a stimulus that has previously been experienced.

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