PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Operationalization, Scientific Method, Myelin
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Replication, convergence, multiple methods and the peer review process. For the majority of science, the key issue though is how to measure reality in the first place. The conceptual and the operational: conceptual : the theoretical level; what you think is happening in, operational : the experimental, measurement level; what instrument reality. The process of taking one"s pure theoretical construct, and figuring out how to represent it through some sort of measurement device: ex. Operationalize exposure to violent media strength of cause: ex. It is very easy to make simple methodological errors, leading to erroneous conclusions (ex. A million ants is a viable community of organisms that exhibits coordinated, self- directed behaviour. Interneurons vastly outnumber motor and sensory neurons (several million of each compared to ~100 billion interneurons) Dendrites = receive information from other neurons and transmit towards the. Cell body = keeps the neuron alive and determines whether it will fire.