PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Resting Potential, Moon Illusion, Retina
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a method for observing the working brain: brain imaging- involves assessing changes in the metabolic activity of the brain, such as noting where the blood flows as people process info. changes in blood flow represent which parts of brain are associated with behaviours. study: white student shown pictures of black students. Some white students detected threat or fear, their amyglada was activated. Thos who were familiar with people, had no response. people are understood by individual factors, such as how a person brain processes info and also by how society shapes the way we behave with others and other things. ultimate ambition of psychologists: explain human behaviour!, and they do this by studying people biologically, individually and socially. first theme: research on mind, brain, and behaviour has accumulated over time to produce the principals of psychological science. second theme: a new biological revolution is energizing research of the human mind.