PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Hypothalamus, Semipermeable Membrane, Serotonin

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In 1936, only the wealthy had phones- the wealthy would vote for landon. You need to make sure your sample looks just like your population. Often, researchers use a convenient sample (a sample of people conveniently available for the study) Random sampling: every population member has equal chance of being selected to participate. Random sampling is essential in correlation studies more so than in experiments because it helps us avoid subject bias which occurs when research participants are not representative of the larger population. Ex: cosmo polls are not representative of entire population. Random assignment: assign different people into random studies. Validity: the extent to which a measure assesses what it claims to measure what i think i"m studying is what i"m actually studying. Reliability: stability and consistency of measurements over time in similar conditions each time you get the same results. **just because a measure is reliable doesn"t mean it is accurate.