PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Intelligence Quotient, Neuroscience, Phonetics
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People thought it was one or the other for the last half century. You can"t just predetermine where people will go. There are many perspectives on it--some completely environmentally driven. Genes expression is important, genetic dispostions are activated by the environment. There is a relationship between nature, nurture-- being the biological nature and the environment they are exposed to--intertwined. Infants development is predictable, right down to the day, they are not running around before they roll over, go through development one stage at a time www. notesolution. com. Nances, not safe neighbourhood vs safe neighbourhood, her husband, her job, etc. There is dynamic interwoven interplay between neurobiology you are born with and how those genes are turned on, which can be seen by development and iq test later on. Therefore, beliefs in culture results in many unknown changes, like with the babies. Mylienation of the brain of babies depends on how much nutrition the baby recieves, enriched environment, etc---biology depends on environment.