PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Literary Digest, Convenience Sampling
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Literary digest sent surveys via their magazine (prestigious) asking about the 1936 presidential election and predicted franklin roosevelt would lose the election to alfred landon; roosevelt won by a landslide and became the 32nd president. Random sampling is a better way of doing the studying compared to convenience sample, why: It helps avoid subject bias (research participants doesn"t represent larger population) Validity: what i think i"m studying is what i"m studying. Reliability: study always gives the same results (instrument of measure might be busted making it incorrect) Association cortex also called silent cortex in the past since we didn"t know exactly what it did (which we do now) Forebrain cerebrum mostly made up of the cerebral cortex. Neocortex (new cortex) essentially because it is a relatively new part of the brain through evolution. Thalamus: the five senses go to it first. Occipital lobe in the back and it deals with your eyes. Temporal lobe deals with hearing+language+memory near the temples.