PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Interference Theory, Episodic Memory, Echoic Memory
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The nervous system"s capacity to acquire and retain usable skills and knowledge. Feats of memory are linked to autism sometimes. Fall prey to suggestive memory techniques (to recall certain memories in a certain way) Memory illusion: compelling memory that never existed (a bunch of terms in relation to sweet but sweet was never in the list of words) Memory is actively being reconstructed (an example is how we experience certain memories as 3rd person at that point we construct what the features of the memory are and look at that) What we attend to will get into the next memory system, short-term memory. Selective attention: select one sensory channel; ignore/minimize others (involves ras and the basal forebrain) Filter theory of attention: we screen incoming information, only letting in the most important. Change blindness: failure to notice large changes in environments. Anything before surgery was fine, but afterwards, no memory was remembered. Span and duration differences in the different systems.