PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Synaptic Pruning, Subjective Constancy
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Predictable range of ages for progression of human physical development. Prenatal period (prior to birth); period inside the womb. Zygote divides forming a blastocyst (ball of identical cells /w no specific function) Blastocyst start getting specific features at which time it becomes an embryo. Second month becomes fetus (period after all major organs are established and physical maturation is the primary change) We gain many neurons in the brain, some of which we don"t use which is then, due to synaptic pruning, preserves needed neurons and drops the rest. Embryonic stage is a critical period (growth must occur or it will never grow); teratogens can halt this period (any kind of threat from environment gets into the placenta that causes birth defect) Agents include drugs (+ smoking), radiation, viruses/bacteria, alcohol. As a result fetal alcohol syndrome can occur. Teratogens can affect physical features of a baby (size, behaviour, intelligence, etc. )