PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Unconditional Positive Regard, Systematic Desensitization, Behaviour Therapy
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Select important topics to focus on in sessions. Choice of therapist tends to be more important than choice of therapy. Sigmund freud"s psychoanalysis the first form of psychotherapy. Dream analysis (dreams express unconscious desires which influence conscious life. Interpretation (formulating an explanation from first two approaches. Resistance (attempts of avoidance from confrontation and anxiety arises) Transference (negative feelings get put on to the therapist; all your hate gets redirected to the therapist) Treats individual as unique; through thoughts and feelings. Don"t tell patients how to solve the problem, but let them do it themselves. Client"s experience with the therapist that brings about change. Empathy (putting you in their shoes); reflection/paraphrasing what the client said. Difficult to falsify (generally successful, but disagreement on level of success) Tackles problematic behaviours (most being learnt so can be changed to learn new behaviours) Based on idea that fears stay due to avoidance (negative reinforcement) Gradually exposed to fear (patients are first taught to relax)