PSY100H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Normative Social Influence, Stanford Prison Experiment, Fundamental Attribution Error
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The study of how people influence other people (behaviour, beliefs and attitudes) Frameworks we have when thinking about ourselves (memories, beliefs, and generalizations) Usa, australia, great britain, canada, and the netherlands) Independent view of self when you are separated from everyone around you. Interdependent view of self when you overlap over everyone around you. Regardless of how opposite these views are, these are simply a gradient of conceptions of self. Thinking about self (our deeds, what we know, etc. ) This leads people to act in line with our values and beliefs. Crediting yourself for success and blame other situations for failures. Crush looks at you and you instill a cause of love) Answers to why a person acted a certain way or why an event occurred. Explanation that refer to internal/enduring characteristics (personality traits, attitudes, intelligence); ex. he"s a jerk. Explanation that refer to external/outside influences; ex. didn"t see you or kids screaming in the back.