PSY230H1 Lecture : Lecture 1

PSY230H1 Full Course Notes
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Low constraint: with friends, at home, at school. Personality: distinct feelings that characterize a person"s adjustment to the demands of life, different conception of person and therefor personality. Academic v. clinical : academic setting uses the scientific method whereas the clinical setting uses case histories. Scientific places emphasis on verifiable, predictable, simplicity and usefulness. The philosophical statement places emphasis on coherence, relevance and compellingness. 1880s vienna was male dominated, there was repression of sexuality and lack of contraception, corporal punishment of children, freud was the favourite son of a young mother. Freud had a travelling grant met charcot who had treated anna o. Talking cure, neurosis arose from painful experiences caring for dying father. She faced blindness b/c she had teary eyes when watching father. 1896: father died, he felt a jealousy towards father. Was it because of his young mother or a general phenomenon. The superego is the ideal part of a person, watching, judging.