PSY230H1 Lecture : Lecture 2

PSY230H1 Full Course Notes
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Jung"s mother was haughty, ugly , made the oedipus complex seem odd, his father was boring and kind, he had fainting episodes, he faced a religious crisis. Studied medicine on scholarship and psychiatry with bleur. Complex: group of related feelings and ideas, felt for women complexes that were erotic were related to children and family. For hysteria, there were complexes relating to an old secret, one could conquer this complex and assimilate and therefore be cured. What are times when your defenses are down: tired, drunk, angry. Felt submerged by own unconscious, imposed several rules, strong ties to reality. Unconscious: repress it, exhaust it or submerge it. Personal unconscious is organized into personality, and collective unconscious are organized into personalities. Archetypal images are manifest actions, universal e. g. wise old man. Shadow: the side of personality in person people do not want to be seen, can be unaware of the shadow.