PSY230H1 Lecture : Lecture 3

PSY230H1 Full Course Notes
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Historically women had options available such as being a mother, domestic help, being a nun or working in prostitution, they were not legal persons. 1885 horney is born, very devout father and mother who is ten years younger than father and unhappy, wants children to take sides, she was the second child, rejected her father"s religious ideals. Could not go to university, eventually universities allowed women, accepted in 1906. Works in hospital and does psychoanalysis for poor. Moves to usa later found psycho analytical society. Freud: women are passive and can only marry up. Abraham: believes females they are castrated, vagina is a wound, wants gift of penis from father, after latency period directs that wish toward another man, menstrual blood is a symbol of castration. Women who reject femininity become lesbians or intellectuals. Horney replies that women want access to things that men have such as an income.